To: Northstar Truck Driving School,
Thank you for helping me obtain the skills and knowledge that it takes to become a professional truck driver while at your school. Your class was informative and I am sure beyond the requirements. The time and efforts spent on truck training is second to none, your trainers have great patience and stay calm in every circumstance even with those having trouble catching on. The techniques of driving that is taught is above industry standard and gives us graduates that professional edge that we need to break into the trucking industry as a profitable driver.
In closing, I would just like to say that I honestly think that had I chosen a different school to attend, I would not be working today. I am currently employed as a steel hauler, handling 50,000 to 94,000 lbs. locally. The training your school provided me made this possible after graduating less than a month ago. That is how high my skill level was graduating from your school.”